
Your Family’s Best Tooth Defense

Good health habits always start from home. This is something that we have heard for a long time. And most of the time it turns out to be true, because what we learn at home form the time we are small, tends to stay with us forever. And we never forget the habits we learn from home, even if we grow big and move away. So even when it comes to keeping the teeth of your family members strong, the habits that will lead to achieving this has to start at home. And if you ask your dentist Caulfield what is your family’s best defense against cavities then the answer they are going to give you is that, fluoride is the best defense for your teeth against cavities. Because it helps to strengthen your teeth as well prevent the process of tooth decay. Our teeth start to decay because of the action of the acids that we produce inside our oral cavities. Normally it is the enamel of our teeth that this acid attacks, weakening it. The enamel being the protective outer covering of our teeth when this weakens then our teeth become more vulnerable to attack by the bacteria living inside our oral cavities. And this makes our teeth more prone to cavity formation. And how fluoride works is, by getting absorbed into your enamel, and making it stronger. And a stronger enamel means less risk of decay. And you can get your daily dose of fluoride from both the inside of your body and the outside as well. 

Using a fluoride containing toothpaste is what helps for most people. Because getting it from both ways is what is going to give you optimal results at the end of the day. And you should make sure you and your family brush your teeth at least twice a day using a fluoride containing tooth paste. And this can act as one of the best defenses that your teeth can have on a daily basis against the acid that is produced. And in the long run it’s going to help prevent the need for removing of decayed teeth and the need for a better dental implant to fill up the gaps. You won’t have any problem enjoying food even in old age, because you will have, if not all, at least most of your teeth intact and healthy. So if you want your family to have a lifetime full of happy and bright smiles, the picture perfect smile, then make sure they use a fluoride containing toothpaste, no matter what the age.

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