
Types Of Counselling Services

The psychological problems have increased considerably in the past few years. The people are adversely impacted by the environment, changing trends, and the social norms. To fight this stressful condition is not an easy thing to handle. The subjects have to seek guidance and support from specialized people who are trained and equipped with the necessary expertise to help the subjects fight this cumbersome situation. It is the counsellor who can actually assist in finding the right path. He sorts out the problems and advises the subject to handle the things in a safe and effective way. The counsellors act in several ways. The counselling services are of different types. The experts extend their services in the world of education, marital affairs, mental illnesses, jobs and career selection.

The popular counselling services that are available with the experts are as follows:

  1. Individual counselling

It is the most popular way of handling the patients or any kind of subject. It is considered as something very effective because it builds a one to one association between the subject and the expert. The usual session lasts for almost an hour. The techniques spreads over multiple sessions. The treatment begins with the introductory session or orientation that is meant for introduction and confidence building. The success of the first session actually lays the foundation of the successful treatment and future progress. The counsellors through the planned counselling sessions ensure that the subject learns how to successfully handle the worst situation.

  1. Crisis Counselling

It is a situation specific treatment. It is an excellent practice in case of the people studying or in job. The bad results, non-supportive work environment, loss of job and even the unsuccessful marital relation requires this kind of treatment. As the name indicates it is used to handle the emergencies. The job of the counsellor is to help the subjects deal with the unexpected and the emergency situations.

  1. Career Counselling

It is a popular technique in current times especially when people have several job options but they do not understand which way to go. In this kind of technique the subject exhibits his interests, proficiencies and expertise that ultimately help in deciding that which profession suits his personal needs and requirements. Here the counselling’s primary focus is to help the subject find the right profession according to his individual needs. This type of counselling from Crows Nest can be both individual and group depending upon the circumstances.

  1. Marital counselling

It is a popular technique to guide the couples starting the marital life or in a huge problem in their relation. The sessions include individual and couple based session to reach out for a better solution.